Hello everyone! We have adopted a new Basset Hound! It's a VERY long and VERY interesting story of how "Dodger" came into our lives. Let's just say that God works in really strange ways sometimes!! ( You will know why "Dodger" fits! ) I promise I will fill you all in on the whole thing but for now I will just tell you a little bit about him.
We adopted him yesterday, May 17, 2008 from the humane society. He had orders to be shipped to Chicago to a No Kill Shelter. "Dodger" is about a 4 year old nuteured male and as you can see... he is almost an exact match to our "Goober". He has the same disposition as our "Goober" but without the extra long tongue. ( We miss that silly tongue ). "Dodger" will need a few 'groceries' for the next few weeks to get some weight on him but I don't think that will be a problem! Within 20 minutes of bringing "Dodger" home, our other Basset Hound "Buster" perked right up and they started playing together, just like he did with "Goober". "Buster has been missing "Goober" as much as we have and he has been pouting and sulking for about 9 weeks now. He has gained too much weight due to not having his playmate here. He will just lay around and not want to play much. No excerise ='s more weight!
We are not giving up hope on finding our "Goober" though. We have had quite a few solid tips on him but he is getting further and further away from us. We miss him so much.
I will be back soon to fill you in on the very interesting story of how "Dodger" came into our lives. But for now...here is a few photos of him. PLEASE continue to pray for the safe return of our "Goober". We need all the help we can get.
I refuse to give up hope of having "Goober" back with us someday.
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