The North Shore Animal League answers a few questions regarding their adoptions.
Why adopt from North Shore Animal League America?
Because it will change two lives forever - yours and your new companion's. When you adopt from the League you save a life and gain a friend. Once you've decided to save an animal, we work with you to ensure a "perfect fit" for both you and your new pet. You'll speak with our adoption counselors who have years of experience placing animals in loving homes. Whatever your situation, North Shore Animal League America has an enormous variety of animals - purebreds, mix breeds, all ages and personalities - and we'll help you find the one that is just right for you.
Now, through 1-800-Save-A-Pet.com, our nationwide online adoption program, you can also search online for pets available for adoption in shelters throughout the US and Canada. New dogs and cats are added daily. You can also sign up for "Search Saver" e-mails and be notified when new pets matching your search criteria are added.
Are dogs and cats in shelters healthy and well adjusted?
Here at the Leauge, we screen animals for serious health and behavior problems. Even with the best-behaved animal, however, you should expect to go through a period of adjustment as your pet becomes used to a new home, family, and routine. No animal, no matter where it comes from, is problem free or comes with a health and behavior guarantee, but if you're prepared to provide your new family pet with some time, training, and patience, your reward will be a loving companion.
Do shelters really have purebred animals for adoption?
It is estimated that about 25% of the animals in shelters nationwide are purebred. If you are interested in a specific breed, ask to have your contact information placed on our waiting list of people interested in purebred animals. Come by the shelter, you may be able to find an animal that has traits that are similar to those of the breed you have in mind.
Aren't all shelter animals just "secondhand" pets?
Many of our shelter animals are puppies and kittens that will be starting their lives as companions. Older dogs and cats may have had previous owners. You may have to re-educate these animals to some degree. On the other hand, they may have already been exposed to house-breaking and obedience training. Remember, too, that companion animals are remarkably adaptable and have a boundless capacity for love. Just because they lived with someone else first, doesn't mean they wouldn't make a wonderful companion for you!
Is it difficult to adopt from the shelter?
Every shelter has its own policies for approving adoptions. Our adoption screening process is designed to ensure that each animal is placed with a responsible person, one prepared to make a lifelong commitment, and to avoid the kinds of problems that may have caused the animal to be brought to the shelter. An important part of the process is to match the life-style and needs of the adopter with the individual dog or cat. If the screening process occasionally seems overly strict, try to remember that our first priority is to protect the animal's best interests.
Are there requirements following the adoptions of dogs or cats?
North Shore Animal League America does require adopted animals to be spayed or neutered, either before they leave the shelter or within a specified period of time afterward. Following your pet's adoption, you will be responsible for providing regular veterinary care and for ensuring that your dog or cat is properly licensed. Having a companion animal brings rewards--and responsibilities. Be sure your dog or cat always wears a collar with an identification tag. Provide nutritious food and fresh water for your pet. Make time for exercise, training, and play. Finally, enjoy your new life with your new best friend.